review and award RED Fingerprint in High Fidelity
For me the breakthrough was the amplifiers of Japanese company SPEC Shirokazu Yazaki. The same is true, as I think, with the Acuhorn amplifier. With the fact that here we can immediately see that we are dealing with something completely different. It's a sound that would very easily be described as "classic sound of tubes, SET". And it's not even 300B, and the rarer, extremely musical, triodes 45 and 2A3. RATE plays in a relaxed way, building huge space. This is a characteristic of power triodes, which is extremely difficult to repeat in other constructions.
The amplifier also builds a very reliable body of instruments. It does not cut them from the background, but it shows in the solid way. But this is the finite, clearly. Instruments interact brilliantly, primarily through space differentiation and in color. Because color seems to me most important. It shares with RATE the file player and DAC - the whole play is extremely colorful, but the colors of Dutch masters rather than Pop Art.
The point is that high tones are not stingy, and yet there is nothing missing in it. The whole is slightly retracted. So we get beautiful plasticity and high energy. But the absence of a rough attack and an annoying high frequency shows an image of analogue sound. The player is a good example of a "no harm" school.
Music played from the Ancient Audio AIR V-edition transport, via SPDIF input, had more energy, was better defined and more in action, was a clear drama. The DAC in R2R has similar characteristics, that is, it withdraws the apparent sources outside the line connecting the speakers and builds a credible space in our room, does not carry us instruments, and us into that space.
But at the same time, it is extremely resolution and more strongly highlights dynamic changes. Each of these elements is trying to reach the source of music, that is to the emotions, from the reflection on the message, on what we hear. The system does not attack us with information, but it distil them subcutaneously, smuggle in larger packages, so we do not catch on the so-called "detail split parts".
I would say that R2R together with RATE draw more assumptions and a message based on them, thorough analysis of them moving away. so to speak, the event horizon. It's all there is, but we have access to that, in less consciousness than unambiguous devices.
The Acuhorna system plays music in an extraordinary way. Sound is a phonograph record and the SET amplifiers. This is technology, very well controlled low bass and supreme calm. They build a huge soundstage - deep, surrounding listener, with the first plans behind the loudspeaker line. The amplifier sounds soft, but it's incredibly resolution.
Acuhorn R2R + RATE review and Award Best Product 2017 with Award RED Fingerprint High Fidelity
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digital to analog converters
Acuhorn R2R Thanks a lot it is a remarkable DAC , I really feel the difference with other dac , simply fantastic. Perfect seller, beautiful and impressive item, many amplifiers
Acuhorn RATE the amplifier is really great, played more resolving and with a better music amplifiers
Acuhorn TT todo bien, perfecto. graciashigh sensitivity speakers
Acuhorn 15 Excellent service. Good value.Quality!!!© 2019 acuhorn